Are you going to organize a karaoke party and are you searching for a software to create Karaoke Video files with lyrics and customized images backgound? Or, are you trying to create video karaoke songs to upload and share on Youtube?
Kanto Syncro and Lyric Video Creator are the best solution for the questions above!
You can check the differences from Kanto Syncro and Lyric Video Creator in this page.
About Kanto Syncro, this app allows you to create professional karaoke songs in video (AVI or MP4) format, using any MP3 as audio track. The karaoke video created can be played on your PC using any video player, karaoke player, or played on your iPhone or iPod. With the help of options included, you can customize the karaoke clips using your own background images, choosing the best font and font colors, etc….
Kanto Syncro is one of the best Karaoke Video Creator and its strong point is its ease of use. Below is a guide on how to Create Karaoke Video from MP3
Step 1. Download and Install Kanto Syncro
Here is the download link (demo version):
Run Kanto Syncro after installin it and you’ll see this window:
ClickFREE TRIAL button to proceed using the trial version.
Step 2. Import MP3 and Lyrics File
This is the next windows will open:
Click on the folder icon to browse the mp3 files that will be synchronized with lyrics and converted to video format.
Now you can load the lyrics clicking the top right “Load from Text File” or making “Copy & Paste”
After loading the lyrics you’ll see the words in the central window.
Spet 3. Synchronize Lyrics with the Song
Start the synchronization clicking on START SYNCRO button on the left.
The program will play the mp3 file and you will have to click on SET button to synchronize each words with the song.
Click UNDO button to cancel any mistakes and repeat.
Click INSTRUMENTAL button to automatically add the “Instrumental” when there is some part not sung in the song
At the end of the song click PREVIEW button to see the karaoke video before exporting it on your PC
Step 4. Export the karaoke video
After synchronization click on FINISH & SAVE button.
You’ll see this window:
You will be able to choose from:
- MP3 format (with synchronized lytics and playable with Kanto Karaoke Player software)
- MP4 Video format
- AVI Video format (high video/audio quality but higher size)
Click on the desided format to export and save the karaoke song with lyrics.
NB: If you are using the “unregistered” version, the program will save only the first 60 seconds of the synchronized lyrics. To remove this limit you need to purchase the program.
That’s all! As you can see you need just a few simple clicks to create your own custom VIDEO KARAOKE songs!
Another software that can help you in manage and customize your video karaoke songs is Video MIX. Try it!
Does the software support duets songs and support Win7
It still doesn’t support duets songs..
It support Win 7, Win 8 and Win 10
I like this program. how much will be the price o a full version and how can i pay.
will bejust one payment?
You can purchase it from this link:
It is just one payment.
Hi .
I would like to know if your soft do read and save Greek font windows text ? As I see demo it can read and save only english font … can you explane please ?
Hi, did you try to use Greek font? If you copy and paste lyrics they should be read from the software and you will be able to save them. Btw we will check too.
Hi and tnx for reply.
Yes I used Greek fonts windows 1253 but had ????????? symbols 🙁 …. maybe have to do some setting of Kanto Syncro ???
don’t know 🙁
Try to save your lirics file in “Unicode”
or send the file to, we can check.
Hi .
I sent you email with file ( MP3 and txt Greek file) ….
Hi .
I am waiting for replay of my email to confirm if your soft can save Greek text ( windows 1253) font code as mp3 karaoke file , and then to buy full Kanto syncro soft …
We sent all details to the developer. Sorry but at the moment this font is not supported. We will contact you as soon as we will have news from developer.
Any news from developers ?
Can you only show active words
in this method the original singers voice will be muted or not in the final video mp4 format i want to know before purching
No, you need to find a mp3 without the singer voices
Hi i want to ask if the lyrics can sync with minus one songs or songs with no vocals? Thank you in advance.
Does the software support lyrics in Hindi (non-English characters)? Approx how long would it take for a reasonably proficient computer user to sync lyrics for a 5 min long song?
I have a backtrack of paradise road sang by joy I want to make a karaoke video will this programme work
hi does your software support chinese text ? traditional and simplified chinese text.
yes it should support chinese text
I’ve created great Karaokes and have them on a memory stick. But can only play them on the desk-top that created them. How can I play on my laptop – which, when I try, tells me “The file isn’t playable. That might mean the file type is unsupported, the file extension is incorrect, or the file is corrupt”
Any suggestions?
Try to install VLC Player on that laptop and play files with it
1. Can MP3 songs with language other than English (HINDI< GUJARATI) be used?
2. After video file with lyrics is created, can you remove the original vocal using any of Kanto product?
Yes, you can use songs in Hindi language.
It is impossible to remove completely the vocal from mp3, but you can attenuate it using Kanto Audio Mix software